
Concept and Direction: Julia Zac
Choreography & Dance: Lucia Jaén Serrano, Norberto Llopis Segarra, Julia Zac
Video/Archive and Lighting Design: Frédérique Vivet
Sound Composition: Paul Loubet
Adviser: Nestor Garcia

Co-production: IVC Instituto Valenciano de Cultura (VLC / SP) in collaboration with Espai la Granja (VLC / SP) and EACC Espacio de Arte Contemporáneo Castellón (CAS / SP)

For this piece, Julia Zac takes Apple’s multi-touch patent gestures as a starting point, aiming to extract them from their functionality and set them in motion within a choreographic landscape. In the work, these gestures, which subtly shift and repeat in loops, expand from the fingers to the entire scenic space, while bodies become wrapped in dopaminergic circuits.

"El gesto roto" explores the impact of digital environments on the body from a choreographic perspective, inviting a reconsideration of those somatic aspects subjected to processes of datafication. The piece delves into an imaginary realm of unconscious mechanisms, proposing a poetic and abstract reflection on how desire, perception, and relationships are shaped by the invisible structures of the digital environment.

The piece draws from the hauntological aesthetics of Vaporwave, a post-internet musical and visual genre that evokes nostalgia for lost futures and times never lived. The slow, circular movements engage with a sense of distorted temporality, marked by repetition and the absence of rhythmic accents. In this melancholic atmosphere, "El gesto roto" immerses us in a liminal experience of time, suspended in the fluidity between the material and the immaterial.